About the Journal
Economic and Business Review (EBR) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal publishing original scientific articles in the English language for a wide academic and professional audience.
EBR journal mainly publishes original studies (original research articles with hypothesis, background study, hypotheses, methods, results, and a discussion of possible implications), reviews (analyses/overviews of existing knowledge on a particular topic/scientific field), and editorials (usually short articles written by the editors).
Today’s Economic and Business Review is the successor to the “Ekonomska revija” (Economic Review, 1950-1990), and the “Slovenska ekonomska revija” (Slovenian Economic Review, 1991-1999). Between the years 1950 and 1999, it developed as a journal serving Slovenia. In 1999, the EBR transformed into a modern scientific journal with an international editorial board serving countries outside of Slovenia. Since its inception, the EBR respected its specific role as a platform for the development of professional terminology in the Slovene language in the areas of economics and business. The editorial policy reflected this by publishing one issue per year dedicated to articles in the Slovene language. As of 2021, the editorial policy in this respect changed as other channels for language development were considered more effective. Consequently, only articles in the English language are published from 2021 onwards whereas titles, abstracts, and keywords in the English language are provided for the past special issues with articles in the Slovene language.
Till 2010 the journal was published in cooperation with the Slovenian Association of Economists and the University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business (UL SEB). Since 2010, EBR is published only by the UL SEB and managed by an independent Editorial Team. The journal is co-financed with the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS).
Each submitted manuscript is evaluated by one of the Editor-in-Chiefs, a subject editor, and two independently nominated reviewers, experts in the field of the manuscript who are not part of the journal’s editorial staff. Submission does not guarantee manuscript acceptance or publication. EBR aims to provide a quick early decision to submissions that are unlikely to be published due to poor fit with the journal’s scope (i.e. Desk Rejection by Editor-in-Chief). Furthermore, to ensure a fast and efficient review process, we aim to arrive at a final editorial decision after no more than two review rounds.
Publishing schedule
The journal is quarterly published with 4 issues per year and 1 volume per year. Issues are predominantly published in March, June, September, and December. One of the issues is usually a thematic issue on specific research topics. A thematic issue may be organized by guest editor(s).
From 2009 to 2020, EBR has typically published three issues in English and a special issue in Slovenian per year both in print format and online. In 2021, the EBR closed the print edition, and the journal is now published online only. From 2021 onwards, EBR only publishes articles in the English language.
Article processing charges and access
The EBR does not charge any fees to authors for manuscript processing and/or publishing.
The EBR is an OPEN ACCESS journal. No subscription fees are charged to readers for accessing the journal or reading articles. EBR provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Articles available freely online are more often cited and have a greater impact than those not freely available. Immediately after publication, authors may post papers on the author's personal or institutional archival Web site.
All articles are permanently free for everyone to read, download, copy and distribute. Permitted reuse is defined by the following user licenses: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND).
The articles are available on the EBR website from Volume 11 (2009) onwards.
Since EBR is published in Slovenia, the articles are also kept in The Digital Library of Slovenia (https://www.dlib.si/About.aspx), which provides access to and archives digital content in the fields of science, art, and culture from Slovenia and abroad. The articles will be available online even in the event the EBR is no longer published.
EBR is preserved in CLOCKSS and Portico, the two leading preservation archives that guarantee persistent access for the very long term. Articles also receive Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) from the CrossRef organization to ensure they can always be found.