
Translated Title

Organizational or Professional Identification of Employees: The Case of Slovenian Accountants and Auditors

Please Note:

This article is in Slovenian.

Ključne besede

socialna identiteta, organizacijska identifikacija, strokovna identifikacija, odnos med organizacijsko in strokovno identiteto


social identity, organizational identification, professional identification, relationship between organizational and professional identity


Koncepta organizacijske in strokovne identifikacije strokovnjaki označujejo za ključni determinanti morale zaposlenih in njihovega vedenja pri delu. Z anketno raziskavo smo med slovenskimi računovodji in revizorji, ugotavljali nivo obeh konceptov in povezanost med njima. Rezultati kažejo, da se slovenski računovodje in revizorji v večji meri identificirajo z organizacijo kot pa s stroko, nivo obeh identifikacij pa je relativno nizek. Na podlagi rezultatov ugotavljamo, da bi morala biti skrb za strokovno identifikacijo zaposlenih v interesu podjetij, saj obstaja med strokovno in organizacijsko identifikacijo pozitivna povezava, iz slednje pa izhajajo pomembne pozitivne posledice za organizacijo. Ti zaključki so pomembni tako za oblikovanje kadrovskih aktivnosti (npr. načrtovanje kariere), ki so močno odvisne od objekta posameznikove identifikacije, kot tudi za načrtovanje delovanja strokovnih združenj.


The concepts of organizational and occupational identification have been identified as key factors in workplace morale and behaviour. Through a survey, we determined the extent of both concepts and the link between them among Slovenian accountants and auditors. The results show that Slovenian accountants and auditors identify more with the organization than with the profession, and the level of both identifications is relatively low. Based on the results, we conclude that cultivating employees' professional identification should be in the interest of companies, as there is a positive relationship between professional and organizational identification and the latter has important positive effects on the organization. These conclusions are important both for the development of human resource activities (e.g. career planning), which are highly dependent on the object of individual identification, and for planning the work of professional organizations.
