
Translated Title

Development of the Criteria for Deciding on the Introduction of Electronic Papers

Please Note:

This article is in Slovenian.

Ključne besede

večkriterijski model odločanja, elektronska hramba dokumentov, hramba dokumentov, raziskava, predpisi


multi-criteria decision model, electronic document storage, documents storage, research, regulations


Članek obravnava idejo o pomenu in nujnosti raziskave o elektronski hrambi dokumentov. V Sloveniji empiričnih raziskav, ki bi preučevale povezanost med kompleksnostjo predpisov in njenim vplivom na odločanje za uvedbo s predpisi usklajene elektronske hrambe, do zdaj ni bilo. Zato je cilj raziskave osvetliti problematiko s predpisi usklajene elektronske hrambe v okviru slovenskih predpisov v primerjavi z drugimi evropskimi državami, na podlagi rezultatov raziskave pa predlagati priporočila za njeno rast in vzpostavitev sistematičnega pristopa ter znanstvenih spoznanj o hrambi dokumentov. Raziskavo še izvajamo. V članku predlagamo koncept modela kriterijev, ki organizacijam omogoči izbiro njihove optimalne rešitve elektronske hrambe, model je v fazi testiranja. Uspešnost odločanja o uvedbi elektronske hrambe dokumentov lahko pomembno izboljša večkriterijski model odločanja. Ta je zelo pomemben pri podpori odločanju v zahtevnih situacijah, ko nastopijo različni kazalniki, ki na podlagi definiranih kriterijev vplivajo na odločanje o uvedbi elektronske hrambe. Prvi rezultati raziskave kažejo več pomembnih ugotovitev, ki lahko močno vplivajo na normativno urejanje elektronske hrambe dokumentov v prihodnosti.


The article deals with the importance and necessity of research on electronic storage of documents. No empirical research has been conducted in Slovenia on the relationship between regulatory complexity and its impact on decision-making when implementing electronic document storage in compliance with the law. The aim of the research is therefore to shed light on the issue of legally compliant electronic storage in the context of Slovenian regulations in comparison with other European countries and, based on the research findings, to propose recommendations for their development and the creation of a systematic approach and scientific knowledge on document storage. The research is not yet complete. The article proposes a conceptual multi-criteria model that allows organizations to choose their optimal solution for electronic storage. The model is in the testing phase. The success of the decision to implement electronic document storage can be significantly improved by the multi-criteria decision model. This is very important to support decision making in difficult situations where different indicators occur that influence the decision on the introduction of electronic document storage based on the defined criteria. The initial results of the study show several important findings that may strongly influence the normative regulation of electronic document storage in the future.
