
Translated Title

Analysis of the Impact of Human Capital and Entrepreneurial Networks on Female Entrepreneurs' Ambitions for Growth

Please Note:

This article is in Slovenian.


Sanja Cvajdik

Ključne besede

podjetnica, človeški kapital, podjetniške mreže, ambicije, rast


entrepreneur, human capital, entrepreneurial networks, ambitions, growth


Ključnega pomena za podjetništvo je podjetnik oziroma podjetnica. Ker pa so slednje manj zastopane, v prispevku s pregledom literature in z empirično raziskavo ugotavljam, kolikšen je vpliv človeškega kapitala in podjetniških mrež na ambicije podjetnic za rast, s tem pa silnice, ki določajo njihovo vedenje pri doseganju ciljev. Razumevanje dejavnikov, ki povečujejo (ali zavirajo) ambicije za rast pri podjetnicah, bo namreč olajšalo primerjavo z moškimi vrstniki, kar pa lahko pomaga pri boljšem in hitrejšem odpravljanju ovir, s katerimi se podjetnice srečujejo tako pri odločanju za podjetniško pot kot tudi kasneje pri vodenju podjetja, ali bodisi k povečevanju tistih dejavnikov, ki pozitivno vplivajo na njihove ambicije za rast. Prispevek je sestavljen iz pregleda domače in tuje literature, kjer sem več pozornosti namenila tistim znanstvenim prispevkom, ki govorijo o podjetnikih/-icah in podjetniških procesih ter o človeškem kapitalu in podjetniških mrežah, sledi razvoj hipotez, opis metode dela in podatkov, predstavitev izvedbe anketnega vprašalnika, analiza pridobljenih podatkov ter povzetki izsledkov.


The entrepreneur, male or female, is central to entrepreneurship. However, since the latter are less represented, in this article I use a literature review and empirical research to examine how human capital and entrepreneurial networks affect the growth ambitions of women entrepreneurs and thus the forces that determine their behaviour in achieving their goals. Understanding the factors that increase (or inhibit) women entrepreneurs' growth ambitions will facilitate comparison with male counterparts, which may contribute to better and faster removal of obstacles that women entrepreneurs encounter both on their entrepreneurial path and later in running businesses, or to an increase in the factors that positively affect their growth ambitions. The article consists of a review of the domestic and foreign literature, whereby I have paid more attention to the scientific contributions dealing with entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial processes as well as human capital and entrepreneurial networks, followed by the development of hypotheses, the description of the research method and data, the presentation of the questionnaire, the data analysis and the results.
