
Translated Title

Compulsory Health Insurance in Slovenia Between Today and Tomorrow

Please Note:

This article is in Slovenian.


Samo Fakin

Ključne besede

socialno zdravstveno zavarovanje, financiranje zdravstvenega varstva, finančna vzdržnost


social health insurance, health care financing, financial sustainability


Zaradi staranja prebivalstva, posledičnih sprememb v zdravstvenem stanju, vse dražjih novih medicinskih tehnologij, novih zdravil, večje zahtevnosti uporabnikov storitev in drugih povezanih razvojnih gibanj se v Sloveniji že dlje časa soočamo z resnimi izzivi pri zagotavljanju finančne vzdržnosti sistema zdravstvenega varstva. Ekonomska kriza ob koncu leta 2008, ki je v Sloveniji nesrečno sovpadla s spremembami plač javnih uslužbencev oz. zdravstvenih delavcev, je pogoje za dosego uravnoteženega poslovanja tega javnega sistema še dodatno zaostrila. Rezultati ukrepov za finančno vzdržnost, ki jih je v letih 2009 in 2010 izvajal Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije, so na letni ravni ocenjeni na okoli 239 milijonov evrov. Vendar se makroekonomski pogoji poslovanja še naprej poslabšujejo, zato so v najkrajšem času potrebne dodatne sistemske spremembe. Kratkoročno so nujni interventni ukrepi, ki se bodo morali osredotočiti predvsem na zagotavljanje solventnosti slovenske javne zdravstvene blagajne, na drugi strani pa so potrebne celovite sistemske spremembe zdravstvenega varstva, v ospredju katerih bodo morali biti predvsem naslednji cilji: izboljšanje javnofinančnih virov obveznega zdravstvenega zavarovanja, bolj vzdržna ureditev področja pravic in učinkovitejše ter kakovostno delovanje izvajalskega zdravstvenega sistema.


Due to the ageing population, the accompanying changes in health status, increasingly expensive new medical technologies, new medications, increased demands of service users and other related development trends, Slovenia has long faced significant challenges in ensuring the financial sustainability of the health care system. The economic crisis at the end of 2008, which unfortunately was also accompanied by changes in the salaries of civil servants and health workers in Slovenia, has further aggravated the conditions for the balanced operation of this public system. The results of the measures implemented by the Slovenian Health Insurance Institute in 2009 and 2010 to ensure financial sustainability are estimated at around € 239 million per year. However, macroeconomic conditions continue to deteriorate and further system changes are needed as soon as possible. In the short term, emergency measures are needed, which must focus primarily on ensuring the solvency of the Slovenian public health fund. On the other hand, comprehensive systemic changes in the health care system are needed, which must focus on the following objectives: Improving the public financial sources of the compulsory health insurance system, more sustainable regulation of entitlements and more efficient and qualitatively better functioning of the health care system.
