Translated Title
Workplace Stereotype Threat: The Case of Generations
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This article is in Slovenian.
Ključne besede
stereotipna grožnja, stereotipi o generacijah, posledice stereotipne grožnje, odziv na stereotipno grožnjo pri delu, generacije
stereotype threat, stereotypes about generations, consequences of stereotype threats, response to stereotype threat at work, generation
Podjetja s primernim pristopom k ravnanju z raznolikostjo ustvarjajo delovno okolje, v katerem so lahko uspešni prav vsi zaposleni. Članek razloži, kako lahko razumevanje koncepta stereotipne grožnje – pričakovanje, da bo posameznik ocenjen na podlagi socialne skupine, ki ji pripada, namesto po dejanski zmožnostih in potencialu, pomaga vodjem v podjetjih, da ustvarijo kar se da dobro delovno okolje za zaposlene iz različnih generacij. V literaturi lahko zasledimo koncept stereotipne grožnje in njen negativen vpliv prikazan v povezavi z različnimi vrstami stereotipov, kot na primer spolni in starostni. Koncept stereotipne grožnje in njenih posledic v organizacijskem kontekstu v literaturi ostaja neraziskano področje kot tudi povezava z generacijami in generacijskimi raznolikostmi oziroma stereotipi ni raziskana tema, zato je namen članka osvetliti koncept stereotipne grožnje in njene posledice, prikazati, kateri so generacijski stereotipi ter prikazati odziv na zaznano stereotipno grožnjo pri delu.
Companies with the right approach to diversity create a work environment where all employees can succeed. The article explains how understanding the concept of stereotype threat - the expectation that a person will be evaluated based on their membership of a social group rather than their actual skills and potential - can help company leaders create a good working environment for employees of different generations.
In the literature, we find the concept of stereotype threat and its negative effects presented in the context of different types of stereotypes, such as sexual and age stereotypes. The concept of stereotype threat and its consequences in an organisational context is still an unexplored area in the literature, as is the relationship with generations and generational diversity or stereotypes. The purpose of this article is therefore to shed light on the concept of stereotype threat and its consequences, to show what generational stereotypes are, and to provide responses to identified stereotype threats in the workplace.
Recommended Citation
Ažman, U., Ruzzier, M., & Škerlavaj, M. (2014). Stereotipna grožnja na delovnem mestu: primer generacij. Economic and Business Review, 16(4).