Translated Title
Development of Entrepreneurial Competences Through the Design Thinking Approach
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This article is in Slovenian.
Ključne besede
inovativnost, ustvarjalnost, podjetništvo, dizajnerski pristop
innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, design thinking approach
V članku sta proučena uporaba dizajnerskega pristopa (angl. design thinking kot sodobne metode poučevanja v izobraževalnem procesu podjetništva in raziskan razvoj podjetniških kompetenc na primeru dodiplomskega predmeta. Podjetništvo je kot vir ustvarjanja vrednosti in gospodarske rasti v zadnjih desetletjih postalo del pedagoške prakse n najrazličnejših nivojih izobraževanja. Najnovejše raziskave pa opozarjajo, da je pedagoška praksa pogosto neučinkovita in ne da zadovoljivih rezultatov pri razvoju podjetniških kompetenc. Kljub temu, da razprave o pomenu in kakovosti podjetniškega izobraževanja poteka jo že vsaj tri desetletja (Fiet, 2001; Gartner & Vesper, 1994; Sexton & Bowman, 1984), še ved no ni konsenza o vsebini ali ciljih podjetniških programov (Blenker, Korsgaard, Neergaard & Thrane, 2011). Razprave pogosto v center preučevanja postavljajo razvoj podjetniški kompetenc kot osnovnega cilja podjetniškega izobraževanja, dizajnerski pristop pa predlagajo kot enega izmed obetajočih načinov za razvoj tovrstnih kompetenc. Dizajnerski pristop v splošnem opredelimo kot uporabo dizajnerske metode za ustvarjalno reševanje osebnih družbenih ali poslovnih problemov. Kljub temu pa še ni empiričnih študij, ki bi preučeval povezanost dizajnerskega pristopa in razvoja kompetenc. V članku na primeru treh podjetniških predmetov, kjer se uporablja dizajnerski pristop kot pedagoška metoda, s pomočjo refleksij 180 študentov na treh fakultetah Univerze v Ljubljani preverimo razvoj podjetniških kompetenc. Ugotavljamo, da študenti po izvedenem predmetu izkazujejo vseh 14 pod jetniških kompetenc, ki naj bi bile v središču podjetniške pedagogike, vendar z zelo različno intenzivnostjo. Študija ima pomembne implikacije za pedagoško prakso, saj kaže na učinke uporabe akcijsko naravnanih metod v pedagogiki, med katere se uvršča dizajnerski pristop.
The article explores the use of design thinking as a modern teaching method in the entrepreneurship education process and explores the development of entrepreneurial skills using an undergraduate course as an example. Entrepreneurship as a source of value creation and economic growth has become part of pedagogical practice at different educational levels in recent decades. Recent research indicates that pedagogical practice is often ineffective and does not provide satisfactory results in developing entrepreneurial competencies. Although the importance and quality of entrepreneurship education has been debated for at least three decades, there is still no consensus on the content or objectives of entrepreneurship programmes. Discussions often focus on the development of entrepreneurial competencies as the primary goal of entrepreneurship education and propose a design thinking approach as one of the promising mechanisms for developing such competencies. The design thinking approach is generally defined as the application of a design method to creatively solve personal social or business problems. Nevertheless, there are still no empirical studies that examine the relationship between the design thinking approach and the development of competences. In this article, using the example of three entrepreneurship courses in which the design thinking approach is used as a pedagogical method, we investigate the development of entrepreneurial competences through the reflections of 180 students at three schools of the University of Ljubljana. We find that after the course, students exhibit all 14 entrepreneurial competences that should be at the core of entrepreneurship pedagogy, but at very different levels of intensity. The study has important implications for pedagogical practice, as it shows the impact of using action-oriented methods in pedagogy, which includes the design thinking approach.
Recommended Citation
Zupan, B., & Svetina Nabergoj, A. (2014). Razvoj podjetniških kompetenc s pomočjo dizajnerskega pristopa. Economic and Business Review, 16(4).