
Translated Title

Development and Design of a Mountain Biking Destination

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This article is in Slovenian.

Ključne besede

gorsko kolesarjenje, turistična destinacija, destinacijska znamka, oblikovanje in vzdrževanje znamke, identitetni model


mountain biking, tourist destination, destination brand, brand design and maintenance, identity model


Gorsko kolesarjenje predstavlja eno izmed najbolj razširjenih avanturističnih aktivnosti, zato se v zadnjem desetletju povečuje tudi število turističnih destinacij, ki obiskovalcem nudijo celovito gorskokolesarsko izkušnjo. Zaradi standardizacije gorskokolesarske infrastrukture, ki je do sedaj predstavljala ključno razlikovalno prednost, se je v zadnjih letih večina gorskokolesarskih destinacij posvetila oblikovanju znamk in trženju. Vendar je potrebno zaradi specifičnih potreb gorskih kolesarjev, ki se bistveno razlikujejo od potreb tradicionalnih turistov, klasične aktivnosti na področju oblikovanja in vzdrževanja znamk prilagoditi. Ker na tem področju ni bilo izvedenih raziskav, smo v okviru članka izvedli globinske intervjuje s štiriindvajsetimi predstavniki vodilnih gorskokolesarskih destinacij oziroma z vodilnimi strokovnjaki na področju gorskokolesarskega turizma. Raziskava je razkrila, da gorskokolesarskim destinacijam primankuje znanj s področja oblikovanja in vzdrževanja znamk, zato smo oblikovali smernice in priporočila, ki jim bodo omogočila izkoristiti prednosti znamk v polni meri.


Mountain biking is one of the most widespread adventure sports, which is why the number of destinations offering a full mountain biking experience to their visitors has increased over the last decade. Due to the standardisation of mountain biking infrastructure, which used to be a key differentiator, most mountain biking destinations have focused on brand design and marketing in recent years. However, due to the specific needs of mountain bikers, which differ significantly from the needs of traditional tourists, the classic brand design and maintenance activities should be adapted. As no research has been conducted in this area, we conducted in-depth interviews with 24 representatives of leading mountain bike destinations or leading experts in the field of mountain bike tourism. The interviews revealed that mountain bike destinations lack knowledge about brand design and management. Therefore, we have developed guidelines and recommendations that enable them to fully exploit the benefits of the brands.
