Translated Title
The Impact of Consumer Satisfaction and Intended Loyalty on Actual Loyalty in the Mobile Telecommunications Industry
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This article is in Slovenian.
Ključne besede
zadovoljstvo, zvestoba porabnikov, vedenjske namere, dejansko vedenje, mobilne telekomunikacije, binarna logistična regresija
satisfaction, loyalty of consumers, behavioral intentions, actual behavior, mobile telecommunications, binary logistics regression
Članek teoretično in empirično razišče strateško pomembno vprašanje zvestobe oz. zadržanja porabnikov v panogi mobilnih telekomunikacij, s poudarkom na ugotavljanju povezave med vedenjsko namero in dejanskim vedenjem. Empirični del je bil izveden s pomočjo kontinuirane panelne anketne raziskave na vzorcu 2.173 porabnikov mobilnih telekomunikacij v Sloveniji. Analiza rezultatov s pomočjo Hi-kvadrata in binarne logistične regresije potrjuje ugotovitve primerljivih tujih študij in ugotavlja, da zadovoljstvo porabnikov vpliva na njihovo (nameravano) zvestobo in (dejansko) zadržanje. Poleg zadovoljstva na zvestobo pozitivno vpliva strošek prehoda, na zadržanje pa poleg zadovoljstva pozitivno vplivata še zvestoba in predhodno trajanje razmerja. Našteti dejavniki razložijo relativno majhen odstotek variance zvestobe in zadržanja, kar odpira izzive in priložnosti za raziskovanje dodatnih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na zvestobo in zadržanje.
The article theoretically and empirically examines the strategically important issue of consumer loyalty or retention in the mobile telecommunications industry, focusing on determining the relationship between behavioural intentions and actual behaviour. The empirical part was conducted using a continuous panel survey of a sample of 2,173 mobile phone customers in Slovenia. The analysis of the results using Hi-square and binary logistic regression confirms the findings of comparable foreign studies and notes that consumer satisfaction influences their (intended) loyalty and (actual) customer retention. In addition to satisfaction, loyalty is positively influenced by the cost of switching, while satisfaction, loyalty and prior duration of the relationship have a positive impact on retention. These factors explain a relatively small percentage of the variance in loyalty and retention, which opens up the challenges and opportunities to investigate other factors that influence loyalty and retention.
Recommended Citation
Tomšič, D., & Kolar, T. (2015). Vpliv zadovoljstva porabnikov in nameravane zvestobe na dejansko zvestobo v panogi mobilnih telekomunikacij. Economic and Business Review, 17(4).