
Translated Title

Flows of Unpaid Service Work Between Generations and Gender: Comparison of Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom

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This article is in Slovenian.

Ključne besede

poraba časa, neplačano delo, medgeneracijski transferji, primanjkljaj življenjskega cikla, razlikemed spoloma, 'dvojno breme'


time spending, unpaid work, intergenerational transfers, life cycle deficit, gender differences; 'Double burden'


V članku predstavimo starostno porazdelitev proizvodnje, potrošnje in neto transferjev storitev neplačanega (gospodinjskega) dela za tri evropske države – Italijo, Nizozemsko in Veliko Britanijo. Tovrstne analize omogoča relativno nova metoda 'Računov nacionalnih transferjev časa', ki v dosedanje raziskave neplačanega dela vpelje dimenzijo starosti. Ugotovimo, da na vzorce neplačanega dela občutno vplivata institucionalno ter kulturno okolje, velike razlike pa se pojavljajo tudi med spoloma. Prav tako se količina neplačanega dela spreminja v času. Poudarjamo, da je neplačano delo pomembno vključiti v analizo medgeneracijskih transferjev in transferjev med spoloma ter ga upoštevati pri snovanju učinkovitih ukrepov ekonomske politike.


The article presents the age distribution of production, consumption and net transfers of unpaid (household) service work for three European countries - Italy, the Netherlands and the UK. This type of analysis is made possible by the relatively new method of 'national time transfer accounts', which introduces the dimension of age into unpaid work. We find that patterns of unpaid work are significantly influenced by the institutional and cultural environment and that there are also large gender differences. The amount of unpaid work also changes over time. It is emphasised that it is important to include unpaid work in the analysis of intergenerational transfers and gender transfers and to take it into account when designing effective economic policies.
