
Translated Title

The Relationship of Authentic and Transformational Leadership with Innovative Work Behavior: The Moderating Effect of Psychological Empowerment

Please Note:

This article is in Slovenian.

Ključne besede

avtentično vodenje, transformacijsko vodenje, inovativno vedenje sledilcev, psihološko opolnomočenje


authentic leadership, transformational leadership, innovative work behavior, psychological empowerment


Članek preučuje moderacijski vpliv psihološkega opolnomočenja na povezavo avtentičnega in transformacijskega vodenja z inovativnim vedenjem sledilcev. Hipoteze razvijemo in empirično preizkusimo z uporabo multiple regresijske analize na vzorcu 126 zaposlenih v mednarodnem tehnološkem podjetju. Rezultati kažejo, da psihološko opolnomočenje nastopa kot moderator povezave vodenja z inovativnim vedenjem sledilcev tako pri avtentičnem, kot pri transformacijskem vodenju. Prispevek raziskave vidimo v širjenju nabora raziskav o povezovanju vodenja in inovativnosti, primerjavi povezave dveh teorij vodenja z inovativnostjo ter v boljšem razumevanju moderacijskih procesov, s katerimi vodje spodbujajo inovativno vedenje sledilcev. V diskusiji obravnavamo teoretične prispevke, priporočila za prakso, omejitve in priložnosti za prihodnje raziskovanje.


The article examines the moderating effect of psychological empowerment on the relationship of authentic and transformational leadership with innovative work behaviour. Hypotheses are developed and empirically tested using multiple regression analysis on a sample of 126 employees of an international technology company. The results show that psychological empowerment acts as a moderator of the relationship between leadership and innovative work behaviour in both authentic and transformational leadership. The contribution of the research is seen in the extension of studies on the integration of leadership and innovation, a comparison of the relationships between two leadership theories and innovation, and a better understanding of the moderation of processes that leaders use to promote innovative work behaviour. The discussion addresses theoretical contributions, recommendations for practice, limitations and opportunities for future research.
