Translated Title
A Conceptual Model of the Link Between E-Leadership and Virtual Team Identity: The Mediating Role of Diversity Perception and the Moderating Role of Modern Communication Technology
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This article is in Slovenian.
Ključne besede
e-vodenje, identiteta virtualnega tima, družbena identifikacija, sodobna komunikacijskatehnologija, zaznava raznolikosti članov virtualnega tima
e-Leadership, virtual team identity, social identification, modern communication technology, diversity perception of virtual team members
Članek preučuje moderacijski vpliv sodobne komunikacijske tehnologije in mediacijski vpliv zaznave informacijske raznolikosti članov virtualnega tima na povezavo e-vodenja z razvojem identitete virtualnega tima. Postavljene predpostavke in konceptualni model razvijemo skozi medpodročno povezovanje konstruktov s področij psihologije, sociologije in managementa ter uporabe pristopa triangulacije v združen konceptualni model. Rezultati so pokazali, da je e-vodenje neposredno in pozitivno povezano z razvojem identitete virtualnega tima. Prispevek raziskave vidimo v oblikovanju kognitivnega konceptualnega modela, ki identificira dimenzije razvoja identitete virtualnega tima ter sistematično opredeljuje povezavo e-vodenja v razvoju in ohranjanju identitete virtualnega tima, z upoštevanjem moderacijskih in mediacijskih vplivov, generiranih znotraj virtualnega okolja. V diskusiji obravnavamo teoretične prispevke, omejitve in priložnosti za prihodnje raziskave.
The article explores the moderating role of modern communication technology and the mediating role of information diversity perceived by virtual team members in the relationship between e-leadership and virtual team identity development. The assumptions and conceptual model are developed by combining constructs from the fields of psychology, sociology and management and using the triangulation approach to form a common conceptual model. The results show that e-leadership is directly and positively related to the development of virtual team identity. The contribution of the research is seen in the formation of a cognitive conceptual model that identifies the dimensions of virtual team identity development and systematically defines the relationship between e-leadership and virtual team identity development and preservation, taking into account moderation and mediation effects that occur in the virtual environment. The discussion addresses theoretical contributions, limitations, and opportunities for future research.
Recommended Citation
Šantej, A., & Penger, S. (2017). Konceptualni model povezave e-vodenja in identitete virtualnega tima: mediacijski vpliv zaznave raznolikosti in moderacijski vpliv sodobne komunikacijske tehnologije. Economic and Business Review, 19(4).