
Translated Title

Learning Motivation and Personal Dimensions - The Basis for Creating Strategies for Successful Learning for Younger and Older Employees

Please Note:

This article is in Slovenian.

Ključne besede

mlajši delavci, starejši delavci, zaznana učna samo-učinkovitost, pet velikih dimenzij osebnosti, učna motivacija, učni rezultati


younger workers, older workers, perceived teaching self-efficacy, five major personality dimensions, learning motivation, learning outcomes


Preživetje organizacij je vse bolj odvisno od managementa znanja, poleg tega delovno okolje zaznamuje fenomen staranja delovne sile. Čeprav obstaja ogromno literature na temo managementa staranja, raziskav na temo učenja starejših delavcev skorajda ni. Namen študije je zapolniti to vrzel in identificirati poti oblikovanja strategij uspešnega učenja obeh starostnih skupin delavcev. Ključni rezultati raziskave kažejo, da so tako mlajši kot starejši delavci motivirani za učenje. Identificirana je potreba po krepitvi tako dejavnikov notranje kot zunanje učne motivacije ter zaznane učne samo-učinkovitosti, medtem ko so osebnostne dimenzije pomembne napovedovalke zaznane učne samo-učinkovitosti, zato le-te posredno prispevajo k učnem uspehu.


Corporate survival increasingly depends on knowledge management, and the world of work is characterized by the phenomenon of an aging workforce. Although there is much literature on aging management, little research has been conducted on the learning of older workers. The purpose of this study is to fill this gap and identify the path of forming strategies for successful learning of both age groups. The main findings of the study show that both younger and older workers are motivated to learn. It is recognized that the internal and external factors of motivation to learn and perceived self-efficacy need to be improved, while personality dimensions are important predictors of perceived self-efficacy in learning and thus contribute indirectly to learning outcomes.
