
Translated Title

Appropriate Relationship Between Top Management and IT as a Prerequisite for Successful Digital Transformation of Companies

Please Note:

This article is in Slovenian.

Ključne besede

digitalna preobrazba, vodilni management, vodja informatike, partnerski odnos


digital transformation, leading management, IT manager, partnership


Digitalizacija in z njo povezana digitalna preobrazba postaja eden izmed pomembnejših izzivov v podjetjih. Številne raziskave proučujejo dejavnike, ki omogočajo digitalno preobrazbo ter vplive digitalne preobrazbe na poslovanje podjetij. Vsekakor je eden izmed pogojev za uspešno izvedeno digitalno preobrazbo tudi razumevanje med vodilnim managementom in informatiki, ki skrbijo za izvajanje projektov digitalizacije. Kljub prizadevanjem po oblikovanju ustreznega odnosa med informatiki in vodilnim managementom, je v veliko podjetjih še vedno prisoten razkorak med njimi. Namen članka je tako prispevati k razumevanju tega razkoraka s prikazom dejavnikov, ki vodijo v partnerski odnos. Rezultati raziskave, v kateri je sodelovalo 221 vodij službe za informatiko, izpostavljajo predvsem pomen poslovnih in managerskih znanj pri doseganju partnerskega odnosa. Prav zaradi posledic neustrezne informatizacije, je problematika, ki jo obravnava prispevek, zelo aktualna in želja po premostitvi razkoraka oziroma večjem sodelovanju med vodilnim managementom in informatiki vedno bolj prisotna.


Digitization and the associated digital transformation is becoming one of the greatest challenges in companies. Numerous studies examine factors that enable digital transformation and the impact of digital transformation on business operations. In any case, one of the prerequisites for successful digital transformation is also an understanding between senior management and IT, which takes care of the implementation of digitization projects. Despite efforts to create an appropriate relationship between IT and senior management, there is still a gap between the two in many companies. The aim of this article is therefore to contribute to the understanding of this gap by highlighting the factors that lead to a partnership. In particular, the results of a study of 221 information technology executives underscore the importance of business and management knowledge in bringing about a partnership. It is precisely because of the consequences of inadequate informatization that the problem addressed in this paper is very topical, and the desire to bridge the gap or increase collaboration between business management and information technology.
