Translated Title
Motivated Employees are Employees in Flow: The Impact of Intrinsic Motivation on Flow Experience
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This article is in Slovenian.
Ključne besede
zanos, dimenzije zanosa, notranja motivacija, eksperiment na internetu
flow, flow dimensions, intrinsic motivation, online experiment
Zanos ima številne pozitivne posledice, ki spodbujajo predanost delu, organizacijsko spontanost in tako prispeva k doseganju organizacijskih ciljev, kot sta ustvarjalnost in organizacijska uspešnost. V prispevku zato preučujem vpliv dejavnika notranje motivacije na doživljanje zanosa, saj želim ugotoviti, kako bi lahko povečali pojavnost zanosa pri delu. Analize podatkov, ki sem jih pridobila z izvedbo eksperimenta na internetu (n = 126), potrjuje pozitiven vpliv notranje motivacije na dimenzijo ravnovesja med izzivi in spretnostmi ter na dimenzijo zlitja z izvedbo. Rezultati potrdijo tudi pozitivni vpliv notranje motivacije na vse dimenzije zanosa in posledično pozitiven vpliv notranje motivacije na doživljanje zanosa.
Flow experience is associated with positive consequences in the work environment that promote commitment to work and organizational spontaneity, thereby contributing to the achievement of organizational goals, such as creativity and organizational performance. The aim of this paper is thus to answer the question of how to increase the frequency of flow at work. Specifically, this paper examines the influence of intrinsic motivation on flow experience. The results of an online experiment (n = 126) show that intrinsic motivation has a strong positive effect on two dimensions of flow: the balance between challenges and skills and the merger of action and awareness. The results also confirm the positive influence of intrinsic motivation on flow experience.
Recommended Citation
Aleksić, D. (2018). Motivirani zaposleni so zaneseni zaposleni: vpliv notranje motivacije na zanos. Economic and Business Review, 20(4).