Translated Title
The Importance of Perceived Fairness of Complaint Handling in Telecommunications
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This article is in Slovenian.
Ključne besede
zaznana pravičnost, pritožbe, reševanje težav in pritožb, zvestoba, telekomunikacije
perceived fairness, complaints, complaint resolution, loyalty, telecommunications
V članku proučujemo, kako odjemalci zaznavajo pravičnost pri reševanju pritožb v telekomunikacijah in kakšen vpliv ima zaznava pravičnosti na njihovo zvestobo. Z metodo multiple linearne regresije analiziramo podatke, zbrane z anketiranjem 217 odjemalcev telekomunikacijskih storitev, ki so imeli nedavne izkušnje s pritožbo. Predstavljena regresijska modela potrjujeta pomen zaznane pravičnosti pri reševanju pritožb odjemalcev v telekomunikacijah, pri čemer se vplivi posameznih dimenzij zaznane pravičnosti na namero ohranjanja naročniškega razmerja in pripravljenost širiti pozitivne govorice o ponudniku razlikujejo. Medtem ko informacijska in distributivna pravičnost pozitivno vplivata na ohranjanje naročniškega razmerja in širjenje govoric, pa ima proceduralna pravičnost močan vpliv na širjenje govoric.
In the paper we examine how telecommunications customers perceive fairness during complaint resolution and what is the impact of fairness perception on customer loyalty. Using multiple-regression we analyze data from a survey of 217 telecommunication customers, who had recent experience with the complaint process. Two regression models confirm the importance of perceived fairness in handling telecommunications’ customers complaints. Individual dimensions of perceived fairness positively affect the intention to maintain the relationship and willingness to spread positive word of mouth about the provider. Specifically, informational and distributive fairness have a positive effect both on intention to maintain the relationships and positive word of mouth, while procedural fairness has a strong influence only on positive word of mouth.
Recommended Citation
Gidaković, P., & Čater, B. (2018). Pomen zaznane pravičnosti pri reševanju pritožb v telekomunikacijah. Economic and Business Review, 20(4).