
Translated Title

The Role of Perceptions of HRM, Cohesion and Work-Engagement on the Perception of the Contribution to Team Performance

Please Note:

This article is in Slovenian.

Ključne besede

management človeških virov, kohezija, zavzetost, uspešnost, ekipa


human resource management, cohesion, engagement, performance, team


Prispevek v kontekstu košarkarskih ekip analizira vlogo zavzetosti pri delu med spremenljivkama zaznave delovne kohezivnosti pri soigralcih in zaznave kakovosti HRM na eni strani ter lastnim prispevkom k uspešnosti ekipe na drugi strani. Rezultati, ki temeljijo na strukturnem modelu enačb in Sobelovem testu posredovanja učinka, potrjujejo, da zaznava kakovosti HRM in zaznavanje delovne kohezivnosti napovedujeta višjo stopnje košarkarjeve zavzetosti pri delu, zavzetost pa pozitivno deluje na samo-evalvacijo košarkarja o njegovem lastnem prispevku k uspehu ekipe in pri tem posreduje pozitiven učinek zaznave kakovosti HRM ter zaznavanja kohezivnosti ekipe. Obenem rezultati kažejo, da ima zaznava sodelavcev v kontekstu športnih ekip pri delovni zavzetosti posameznikov vsaj tolikšen pomen kot zaznava odnosa nadrejenega do opazovanega posameznika.


The purpose of this study is to analyse the role of the work-engagement between the perceptions of team cohesiveness and the quality of human resources management (HRM) on one side, and the effect on athlete’s contribution to team performance on the other. The results based on the structural model equations and the Sobel’s tests confirm that the perceptions of the HRM quality and cohesion predict the degree of athlete’s work-engagement. The latter then mediates the effects of the HRM and cohesion on the athlete’s perception of his contribution to team performance. At the same time, the results show that the perception of co-workers and their behaviour (cohesiveness) in the context of sports teams is from the aspect of an athlete’s work-engagement at least as important as the perception of the superiors and their attitude (HRM quality).
