
Translated Title

The Changing Role of Development Banks and the Challenges to their Operations in the Future

Please Note:

This article is in Slovenian.


Vasja Rant

Ključne besede

razvojno bančništvo, tržne vrzeli, industrijska politika, finančna kriza, podnebne spremembe, tehnološke spremembe


development banking, market gaps, industrial policy, financial crisis, climate change, technological changes


Članek podaja osredotočen pregled razvojnega bančništva s pogledom na prihodnje izzive razvojnih bank. Ekonomska podlaga razvojnega bančništva so tržne vrzeli, do katerih prihaja zaradi informacijskih asimetrij, pozitivnih eksternalij in nepopolne konkurence v finančnem sistemu. V zadnjem času se vse bolj izpostavlja transformacijska vloga razvojnih bank ob večjih strukturnih prelomih, hkrati pa se poudarja pomen njihove finančne vzdržnosti in dobrih praks upravljanja. Na podlagi izkušenj s proticikličnim delovanjem v krizi, z obravnavanjem družbenoekonomskih izzivov, kot so podnebne spremembe, z obuditvijo industrijske politike v luči hitrih tehnoloških sprememb ter z naraščajočim protekcionizmom je mogoče pričakovati krepitev vloge razvojnih bank v prihodnosti.


This article provides a focused overview of development banking with an eye toward the challenges that development banks will face in the future. The economic basis of development banking is market gaps due to information asymmetries, positive externalities, and imperfect competition in the financial system. Recently, there has been a growing emphasis on the role of development banks in transformation in the context of major structural breaks, highlighting the importance of their financial sustainability and good management practices. Based on the experience of countercyclical policies during the crisis, addressing socioeconomic challenges such as climate change, reviving industrial policy in the face of rapid technological change, and increasing protectionism, the role of development banks is likely to be strengthened in the future.
