
Translated Title

Relationship Banking in Light of the Development of Information Technology

Please Note:

This article is in Slovenian.


Matej Marinč

Ključne besede

bančništvo odnosov, transakcijsko bančništvo, informacijska tehnologija, podjetja FinTech, regulacija


relationship banking, transactional banking, information technology, FinTech companies, regulation


Banke so postavljene pred pereč izziv, kako ohraniti konkurenčno prednost v luči napredka na področju informacijske tehnologije (IT) in konkurenčnega pritiska podjetij FinTech. V članku zagovarjam tezo, da banke ne smejo zanemariti tako imenovanega bančništva odnosov, torej gradnje tesnih odnosov s svojimi komitenti. Razvoj IT sicer omogoča stroškovne prihranke in ekonomije obsega ter izpostavlja banke močnim konkurenčnim pritiskom bančnih in nebančnih konkurentov. Banke se morajo prilagoditi novim izzivom.


Banks face the urgent challenge of how to maintain a competitive advantage in the face of advances in information technology (IT) and competitive pressures from fintech companies. In this article, I argue that banks should not neglect so-called relationship banking, i.e., building close relationships with their customers. The development of IT enables cost savings and economies of scale and exposes banks to strong competitive pressure from banks and non-banks. Banks must adapt to the new challenges.
