Translated Title
Financialization of Economies and Achieving Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
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This article is in Slovenian.
financialization, growth
Vse od 80. let prejšnjega stoletja so gospodarstva pod vplivom procesa financializacije, tj. naraščajoče vloge finančnih motivov, finančnih trgov in inštitucij (Dosi et al., 2016). Ti procesi lahko vplivajo na inovativnost in rast podjetij prek različnih mehanizmov, eden od njih je nagrajevanje managerjev.
Since the 1980s, economies have been under the influence of the process of financialization, i.e., the role of financial motives, financial markets, and institutions (DOSI et al., 2016). These processes can affect firm innovation and growth through several mechanisms, one of which is executive compensation.
Recommended Citation
Kotnik, P., & Petrin, T. (2019). Financializacija gospodarstev in doseganje pametne, trajnostne in vključujoče rasti. Economic and Business Review, 21(4).