
Translated Title

The System of Acceleration of Innovative Companies in Start-Up Accelerators in Less Developed Supporting Environment

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This article is in Slovenian.


Aleš Pustovrh

Ključne besede

inkubatorji, zagonski pospeševalniki, inovacijski ekosistemi, odprti inovacijski sistemi, zagonska podjetja


incubators, startup accelerators, innovation ecosystems, open innovation systems, startups


Zagonski pospeševalniki so relativno nov pojav. V pospeševalnikih zagonska podjetja z velikim potencialom za rast dobijo sistematično pomoč pri odstranjevanju ovir za doseganje te rasti. Pospeševalniki izbirajo zagonska podjetja z največjim potencialom za rast ter sistematično in aktivno odstranjujejo njihove ovire: pomanjkanje denarja, znanja, kadrov ali povezav s potencialnimi ključnimi deležniki. Pomembna je tudi motivacijska vloga pospeševalnikov, saj zagonskim podjetjem pogosto tudi zvišajo ambicije in jim predstavijo možnost pospešene rasti kot ene od ključnih konkurenčnih prednosti. Pospeševalniki v državah z manj razvitim podpornim okoljem pa morajo za dolgoročno opravljanje teh podpornih funkcij razviti druge, bolj vertikalno integrirane modele delovanja, ki se od poslovnih modelov pospeševalnikov v razvitih državah bistveno razlikujejo.


Startup accelerators are a relatively recent phenomenon. Accelerators systematically help startups with high growth potential remove barriers to that growth. Accelerators select the startups with the highest growth potential and systematically and actively remove their obstacles: Lack of money, lack of knowledge, lack of personnel, or lack of connections to potential key stakeholders. The motivational role of accelerators is also important, as they often awaken the ambition of startups and present them with the possibility of accelerated growth as one of their key competitive advantages. However, to perform these support functions in the long term, accelerators in countries with less developed support environments need to develop different, more vertically integrated operating models that differ significantly from the business models of accelerators in developed countries.
