
Translated Title

Exploring the Modern Organization at the School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana

Please Note:

This article is in Slovenian.


Rudi Rozman

Ključne besede

organizacija, management (ali ravnateljevanje), organizacijske strukture, organizacijski procesi


organization, management (or heading), organizational structures, organizational processes


V prispevku so obravnavana povezana raziskovanja sodobne organizacije v preteklih desetletjih na Ekonomski fakulteti. Najprej je na kratko prikazano sodobno razumevanje organizacije, poudarek pa je na utemeljitvi sodobne teorije z obravnavo današnjih organizacijskih problemov.


This paper discusses research on contemporary organisation in the School of Economics and Business in recent decades. First, a brief overview of the contemporary understanding of organisation is given, with an emphasis on grounding contemporary theory by addressing contemporary organisational problems.
