
Translated Title

Career Opportunities for the Successors of Family Businesses

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This article is in Slovenian.

Ključne besede

karierna odločitev, podjetništvo, družinsko podjetje (DP), nasledstvo


career decision, entrepreneurship, family business, succession


Mladi, ki končajo šolanje, se večinoma soočijo z dilemo, ali iskati zaposlitev ali se odločiti za samozaposlitev oziroma podjetniško pot. Njihovi kolegi, ki so zrasli v družinskih podjetjih, imajo dodatno možnost, in sicer vključitev v družinsko podjetje in kasneje nasledstvo, kar se od njih po navadi pričakuje, vendar to ni nujno njihova najljubša izbira. V članku opisujemo različne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na odločitev mladih glede omenjenih treh opcij. Na vzorcu 7.775 udeležencev iz 18 evropskih držav ugotavljamo, da so med najpomembnejšimi dejavniki motivacija, podjetniški namen posameznika, subjektivne norme, pozitivna čustva do družinskega podjetja ter izkušnje, pridobljene v družinskem podjetju.


Young people leaving school often face the dilemma of whether to seek employment or choose self-employment or entrepreneurship. Their peers who grew up in family businesses have the additional option of joining and taking over the family business, which is usually expected of them but not necessarily their preferred choice. This paper describes the various factors that influence young people's choice of these three options. Using a sample of 7,775 participants from 18 European countries, we find that the most important factors are motivation, entrepreneurial intention, subjective norms, positive feelings toward the family business, and experience gained in the family business.
