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Autumn Examination Period for Businessmen
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This article is in Slovenian.
autumn examination period, businessmen
Ni malo primerov razprav v javnosti, ki so izzvane z vprašanji, ki spominjajo na navadna izpitna vprašanja iz univerzitetnih klopi. Kljub temu pa razpravljavci ob tem kaj hitro pozabijo, da na ta vprašanja obstajajo tudi "šolski" odgovori, ki pogosto niso niti približno preprosti. Mogoče je takih primerov na področju fizike malo, a že na področju medicine jih je več, v ekonomiki pa so kar splošna praksa. Prav v zadnjih mesecih tako teče razprava o tem, ali bo oživitev gospodarske rasti prinesla tudi višje plače. Prav čudno bi bilo, da bralci tega mojega spisa ne bi imeli o tem vprašanju svojega mnenja. A kakšen bi bil "šolski" odgovor? Bralce pozivam tudi na test. Če boste odgovor v celoti razumeli in znali povedati, kje so njegove kritične točke, se zelo verjetno poznamo. Če ste imeli zgolj voljo izpitni odgovor prebrati, ste dobri za prijateljske razprave o gospodarskih razmerah v Sloveniji. Če pa niste zmogli niti volje, da bi tekst prebrali, preberite vsaj povzetek na koncu, pozabite na makroekonomiko in pojdite delat kaj drugega. Torej, poglejmo, kaj je napisano na izpitni poli.
There are not that few examples of public debates triggered by issues that resemble ordinary university examination questions. Nevertheless, discussants quickly forget that these questions also have "scholastic" answers that are often not straightforward. There may be few such cases in physics, but there are quite a few in medicine, and they are common in business. For example, in recent months there has been discussion about whether the revival of economic growth will lead to higher wages. It would be strange if the readers of this dossier did not have their opinions on this question. But what would the "scholastic" answer be? I, too, call on readers to take the test. If you fully understood the answer and know where the critical points are, we will probably know each other. If you just had the will to read the test, you are good for friendly discussions about the economic situation in Slovenia. However, if you were not able to read the text, at least read the summary at the end, forget about macroeconomics and do something else. So let us look at what's on the exam sheet.
Recommended Citation
Tajnikar, M. (2019). Jesenski izpitni rok za gospodarstvenike. Economic and Business Review, 21(4).