
Translated Title

The Role of Consumer Stereotypes in Brand Evaluation

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This article is in Slovenian.

Ključne besede

porabniški stereotipi, blagovne znamke, toplina, kompetentnost


consumer stereotypes, brands, warmth, competence


Potrošniški stereotipi pomembno vplivajo na vedenje porabnikov pri sprejemanju nakupnih odločitev. S pomočjo modela vsebine stereotipov (angl. stereotype content model) (Cuddy, Fiske & Glick, 2007; Fiske, Cuddy, Glick & Xu, 2002) opredelimo stereotipe blagovnih znamk skozi zaznave topline in kompetentnosti kot tople/hladne in kot kompetentne/nekompetentne blagovne znamke. Na podlagi raziskave v okviru projekta “Spremljanje preferenc potrošnikov skozi potrošniške stereotipe” predstavljamo klasifikacijo 96 blagovnih znamk na slovenskem trgu glede na prepoznavnost, toplino in kompetentnost, kot so bile oblikovane na podlagi ocen 25 trženjskih strokovnjakov iz slovenskega prostora. Ugotovitve glede stereotipov o blagovnih znamkah so osnova za oblikovanje trženjskih ciljev in ustrezno pozicioniranje, trženjsko komunikacijo ter ostala orodja trženjskega spleta.


Consumer stereotypes have an important influence on consumer behaviour in purchase decisions. Using the stereotype content model (Cuddy, Fiske & Glick, 2007; Fiske, Cuddy, Glick & Xu, 2002), we identify brand stereotypes through perceptions of warmth and competence as warm/cold and competent/incompetent. Based on the research conducted as part of the project "Monitoring consumer preferences through consumer stereotypes", we present a classification of 96 brands on the Slovenian market in terms of salience, warmth and competence, as formed on the basis of the assessments of 25 marketing experts from the Slovenian region. The findings on brand stereotypes form the basis for the formulation of marketing objectives and the corresponding positioning, marketing communication and other tools of the marketing network.
