
Translated Title

Socioeconomic Position and Survival Strategies of Self-Employed individuals in Slovenian Culture

Please Note:

This article is in Slovenian.

Ključne besede

samozaposleni v kulturi, socioekonomski položaj, preživetvene strategije, kvalitativna raziskava, intervju


self-employed in culture, socioeconomic position, survival strategies, qualitative research, interview


V empirični študiji, izvedeni v zadnji tretjini leta 2012 in ponovljeni v prvi tretjini leta 2018, smo analizirali položaj samozaposlenih v kulturi v Sloveniji. Poseben poudarek smo namenili preučevanju socioekonomskega položaja amozaposlenih, njihovih preživetvenih strategij ter vpliva vsakdanjega boja za ljubi kruhek na ustvarjalnost. V pričujočem prispevku povzemamo rezultate analize podatkov, ki smo jih pridobili s pomočjo strukturiranih spletnih intervjujev ter polstrukturiranih osebnih intervjujev. Iz rezultatov izhaja, da aktualni način državne podpore samozaposlenih v kulturi ni ustrezen. Izboljšave so potrebne predvsem v smeri priznavanja večjih socialnih pravic, upoštevanja specifike statusa in posebnih pogojev dela samozaposlenih v kulturi ter v smeri prevrednotenja kriterijev umetniške vrhunskosti.


In an empirical study conducted in the last third of 2012 and repeated in the first third of 2018, we analyzed the position of self-employed people in the cultural sector in Slovenia. Special attention was paid to the study of the socio-economic position of the self-employed, their survival strategies and the influence of the daily struggle for survival on creativity. In this paper we summarize the results of the data analysis obtained through structured online interviews and semi-structured face-to-face interviews. From the results, we find that the current nature of government support for the self-employed in the culture is inadequate. Improvements are needed mainly in the direction of recognizing greater social rights, taking into account the specifics of the status and special working conditions of the self-employed in the cultural sector, as well as in the direction of re-evaluating the criteria for artistic achievements.
