Austria, Gross Domestic Product, forecast, spectral analysis, Burg model
Austria is one of the wealthiest and most stable European Union Member States. With spectral analysis this paper attempts to forecast economic indicators of the Austrian economy up to 2030 to provide a clearer picture of its future economy. The applied spectral analysis reveals hidden periodicities in the studied country’s economic data which are to be associated with cyclical behaviour or recurring processes in economic time series. The 2018-2030 period forecasts of Austria’s real GDP, government budget deficit or surplus in current prices, current account balance and total population respectively are all bullish, including unemployment rate doomed to expand at an annual rate of 0.58% until 2030.
Recommended Citation
Rostan, P., & Rostan, A. (2020). Where is Austria’s Economy Heading?. Economic and Business Review, 22(1).