Original Articles
Are We Reversing the Trend in Waste Generation: Panel Data Analyses of Municipal Waste Generation in Regard to the Socio-Economic Factors in European Countries
Predrag Korica, Andreja Cirman, and Andreja Žgajnar Gotvajn
Surveying the Methodological and Analytical Foundations of the New Institutional Economics: A Critical Comparison with Neoclassical and (Old) Institutional Economics
Giorgos Meramveliotakis
The Status Quo Bias of Students and Reframing as an Educational Intervention towards Entrepreneurial Thinking and Change Adoption
Stojan Debarliev, Aleksandra Janeska-Iliev, and Viktorija Ilieva
Knowledge Management in Social Work: Management Support, Incentives, Knowledge Implementation, and Employee Empowerment
Simon Colnar and Vlado Dimovski
Revisiting the Cooperation Matrix for Classifying Cases of Port Cooperation — Case Study: Northern Adriatic Ports
Kristijan Stamatović, Peter de Langen, and Aleš Groznik