
Translated Title

Consumer–Brand Identification: The Role of Consumers’ Need for Uniqueness and Brand Buyer Stereotypes

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This article is in Slovenian.

Ključne besede

identifikacija porabnikov, blagovna znamka, potreba po edinstvenosti, stereotipi, tipični uporabniki znamke


consumer–brand identification, consumers' need for uniqueness, brand buyer stereotypes


Odnos med porabniki in blagovnimi znamkami je pomembno raziskovalno področje v trženju. Ugotovitev, da porabniki z blagovnimi znamkami tkemo odnose, podobne medčloveškim, je spremenila tok raziskovanja v trženju, ki se od takrat usmerja tudi v proučevanje odnosov med porabniki in blagovnimi znamkami. Na osnovi porabnikove potrebe po edinstvenosti in modela stereotipov iz socialne psihologije ugotavljamo, kako porabnikova potreba po edinstvenosti in njegovi stereotipi o tipičnih uporabnikih blagovne znamke vplivajo na njegovo identifikacijo z blagovno znamko. Ugotovitve raziskave, ki v središče postavlja porabnikove najljubše blagovne znamke, kažejo, da je za identifikacijo porabnika z blagovno znamko z vidika edinstvenosti pomembna drugačnost blagovne znamke, z vidika stereotipov pa kompetentnost tipičnih uporabnikov blagovne znamke. Na podlagi raziskave predstavljamo smernice za skrbnike blagovnih znamk, ki želijo s porabniki stkati močne vezi na podlagi identifikacije.


The relationship between consumers and brands is an important area of research in marketing. The realisation that consumers form interpersonal–like relationships with brands has changed the course of research in marketing, which has since also focused on the study of consumer–brand relationships. Based on consumers' need for uniqueness and the model of stereotypes from social psychology, our study examines how consumers' need for uniqueness and stereotypical beliefs about typical users of the brand influence their identification with the brand. The results of our study, which focuses on consumers' favourite brands, show that consumers' need for uniqueness and the brand buyer stereotype as reflected in competence are positively related to consumer–brand identification. We present guidelines for nurturing consumer–brand identification and identify future research directions.
