
Translated Title

Impact of Socialism and Transition in Slovenia on the Wealth of Persons Aged 50+

Please Note:

This article is in Slovenian.

Ključne besede

premoženjsko stanje, bivše socialistične države, anketa SHARE, starejši prebivalci, nepremičnine, Slovenija


wealth, former socialist countries, SHARE survey, elderly, real estate, Slovenia


V času socializma so bile oblike varčevanja omejene, hkrati so bile v določenih obdobjih nekatere oblike razvrednotene z visoko (ali hiper-) inflacijo. Za to obdobje je bila značilna manjša potreba po varčevanju, saj je za upokojene, bolne, brezposelne, onemogle itd. poskrbela država. Na osnovi podatkov ankete SHARE v članku primerjamo posebnosti glede obsega in oblike premoženja v Sloveniji. Med 14 analiziranimi državami sta Češka in Estonija kot drugi dve postsocialistični državi v spodnjem delu razvrstitve držav po premoženju, če ga izrazimo v številu povprečnih mesečnih neto plač, Slovenija pa je na visokem tretjem mestu, pri čemer je premoženje skoraj izključno v obliki nepremičnin.


During socialism, savings forms were limited, while in certain periods some forms were devalued by high (or hyper) inflation. This period was characterized by a reduced need for savings as pensioners, the sick, the unemployed, the disabled, etc. were provided for by the state. Based on survey data from SHARE, the article compares the specifics regarding the size and form of wealth in Slovenia. Among the 14 countries analyzed, Czech Republic and Estonia, as the other two post-socialist countries, are at the bottom of the country ranking by wealth expressed in the number of average net monthly wages, while Slovenia is in the high third place, with wealth almost exclusively in the form of real estate.
