Global value chains, Input-Output analysis, Intangible capital, Exports, Competitiveness
The scope of this paper is to provide empirical evidence regarding intangible inputs, global value chains (GVCs) participation and their linkage with exports in the EU and the UK, utilizing data from WIOD and the newly constructed GLOBALINTO Input-Output Intangibles Database for the period 2000–2014. GVC participation metrics are calculated based on a production-based decomposition framework and include backward and forward participation indices. Intangible inputs follow a breakdown by origin into domestic and imported intangible inputs. Our empirical results suggest that GVC participation (both backward and forward) is a significant driver for exports and highlight the importance of intangibles’ origin in the exporting activities of the EU economies, especially in the case of the non-Euro Area economies.
Recommended Citation
Dimas, P., Stamopoulos, D., & Tsakanikas, A. (2022). Intangibles and Participation in Global Value Chains in the EU: Evidence from the GLOBALINTO Input-Output Intangibles Database. Economic and Business Review, 24(3), 152-160.
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