Economic and Business Review


The Economic and Business Review (EBR) is the official peer-reviewed journal of the University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business. Economic and Business Review is the successor to the “Ekonomska revija” (Economic Review, 1950-1990), and the “Slovenska ekonomska revija” (Slovenian Economic Review, 1991-1999). Between the years 1950 and 1999, it developed as a journal serving Slovenia. In 1999, the EBR transformed into a modern scientific journal with an international editorial board serving countries outside of Slovenia. Since its inception, the EBR respected its specific role as a platform for the development of professional terminology in the Slovene language in the areas of economics and business. The editorial policy reflected this by publishing one issue per year dedicated to articles in the Slovene language. As of 2021, the editorial policy in this respect changed as other channels for language development were considered more effective. Consequently, only articles in the English language are published from 2021 onwards.

EBR is a double-blind refereed OPEN ACCESS journal that aims to further the research and disseminate research results in the area of applied business and economic studies, including various fields of economic research, bank and financial management, business informatics, entrepreneurship, international business, management and marketing with the focus on the Central and Eastern Europe.

See the Aims and Scope for complete coverage of the journal.

Speed, Acceptance and Authorship
Time to final decision: up to 6 months
Time between acceptance and publishing: up to 1 year
Acceptance rate: 20 %
Global authorship: approximately 2/3 Europe, 1/3 rest of the World


  • Call for Papers for Thematic Issue on "Transforming Regions: Policies and Planning for People and Places" (Deadline June 15, 2024)

For more detailed information, please visit Call for Papers.

Other information

Abstracts in Slovenian language

As of 2021, EBR no longer publishes articles in Slovenian. All articles are in English. Because EBR is published in Slovenia, we continue to provide basic information about each article in Slovenian. Titles, abstracts and keywords in Slovenian are available at www.ef.uni-lj.si/ebr.

Submission via OJS

We no longer accept new submissions via our OJS website http://ojsv1ef.ef.uni-lj.si/index.php. Manuscripts that are in the review process will still be available to authors and reviewers on the OJS platform for the time being. Please be advised that the OJS link will be terminated, and the old submission system closed down once all the outstanding manuscripts are fully processed with their final dispositions set. We accept new submissions via Submit Article.

Current Issue: Volume 26, Issue 3 (2024)

Original Articles

Review Article